Staff Training

Available in person or online, our anti-racism training for teachers and support staff equips educators with the knowledge and tools to create inclusive, equitable learning environments.
Our training sessions focus on identifying and addressing prejudice, fostering cultural awareness, and implementing strategies to combat racism in the classroom. Our goal is to empower educators to become advocates for change, creating more just and supportive environments for every pupil.
Racial Literacy Training
This critically acclaimed anti-racism training for teachers and whole school staff covers the fundamentals of anti-racism. Objective: To provide foundational knowledge about racism, systemic inequality, and its impact on education. Outline: -Definitions of racism, systemic racism, microaggressions, bias and allyship. -The historical and social context of racism in education. -Interactive discussions and real-life examples of racism in schools with appropriate solutions.
Diversity in the Classroom
This training session is designed to help teachers and support staff create an environment where everybody, feels seen, heard, and supported. Through engaging workshops, teachers learn how to integrate diverse perspectives into their lessons, address unconscious biases, and promote empathy among students. Objective: To assess and develop a more inclusive, anti-racist curriculum. Outline: -Review Current Curriculum and identify gaps in representation, diverse perspectives, and historical accuracy. -Evaluate whether the curriculum reflects a variety of cultural, racial, and ethnic backgrounds. -Suggestions for diverse literature, case studies, and media that reflect the experiences of marginalised communities. -Inclusive Lesson Planning: How to create lesson plans that encourage critical thinking on anti-racism and equality.
Tackling Racist Behaviour
This training session is designed to empower educators to effectively recognise, respond to, and prevent racist behaviour in the classroom and school environment. Teachers will learn practical strategies to address incidents of racism, foster a culture of respect and inclusion, and support students who have experienced discrimination. Objective: - Equip teachers with the skills to address and prevent racist behaviour in the classroom and school community. Outline: - Understanding the different forms of racist behaviour, from overt acts to subtle microaggressions. - Recognising the impact of racism on pupils' mental health, academic performance, and well-being. - Practical techniques for addressing racist incidents effectively and with sensitivity. - Creating a classroom environment that promotes empathy, respect, and inclusivity. - Supporting victims of racism and providing them with the necessary resources and care.
Available in person or online, our training sessions are tailored to each school's individual needs. All training sessions are available as a twilight, half-day inset or full day inset. Please note our training sessions are only available on Mondays and Tuesdays.
Typical prices based on 60 attendees:
Twilight: £450 plus travel
Half-day inset: £600 plus travel
Full-day inset: £800 plus travel
All three training sessions: £1200

L. Marshall- English Subject Leader
Such a fantastic session. Engaging, hands on and very thought provoking. It's a shame it was only for one morning! Thank you so much!
D. Ryan-Reception Teacher
Amazing! I have learnt so much and have taken lots to think about. Great session!
D. Hall- SENCO
What a wonderful, engaging, inspiring training session. Keep spreading the knowledge and empowerment!